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Building 100 million profitable businesses across Africa

Oze means business growth. We’re on a mission to supercharge your business with simple tools, smooth payments, affordable capital, and digital shops.


Registered businesses

As of 2021


Transactions recorded

As of 2021


Of businesses are profitable, growing, or both
As of 2021

The one-stop shop powering small businesses with ambitions to grow

Oze believes that small businesses are the future of Africa. But, building the future is hard. To borrow the old African Proverb, “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go with Oze.” ?

We built the last business app you’ll ever need. From keeping good financial records to receiving payments and getting a loan, Oze brings business success within reach.

Together, with small business owners, banks, and other fintechs, we can create the future we all want to live in.

Team Oze

Our team is passionate about building world-changing technology.

Meghan McCormick Meghan McCormick CEO & Co-founder
Dave Emnett Dave Emnett COO & Co-founder
Pia Spratley Pia Spratley Director of Product
Emma Chioke Emma Chioke Chief of Staff
Prince Arnold Mortagbe Prince Arnold Mortagbe Customer Success
Nathany Attipoe Nathany Attipoe Engineering
                 Winnie Awinador-Kanyirige Winnie Awinador-Kanyirige Marketing
Isaac Afenu Isaac Afenu Customer Success
Michael Mensah Michael Mensah Operations
Emeka Okemadu Emeka Okemadu Product

Our Values

We wake up every morning thinking how might we help small businesses grow and doing our best to live these values.

Small businesses
Small Businesses are the lifeblood of the African economy. The people who own and run them should be admired; they took a leap of faith to create something new for their family, their community, and their country.
Small businesses
We have a sacred task at Oze…we are the custodians of our customer’s business data. Not only must we keep it free from hacks and attacks but we need to always act in the best interest of our SMEs.
Some products just need to work and Oze is one of them. Every feature of the app is simple, intuitive, and powerful.
When you are trying to change a system, you can’t do it alone. Our customers (big and small) are an extension of our team, working together to build a future where every small business has a chance to succeed.
We are deeply curious people asking questions to constantly learn how Oze can help businesses grow. Micro businesses become small, small businesses become big, and Oze becomes the leading platform for entrepreneurs across Africa.
Oze is built for business owners, by business owners.

Built together with business owners

We pride ourselves on not building for our customers, but with them. Our co-creation workshops are the fuel to our rocketship. ?

Join the small business revolution.

Come help us reach new heights while working with sharp, fun colleagues who care about your professional growth.

Our Story

The Oze story in quick timeline fashion


Pre-series A

Oze closes $3 million pre-series A to bring on top talent 
and expand across Nigeria.


Seed Investment

Oze raises $700k to launch iOS mobile 
app and pilot in Nigeria.


Oze pilots lending

Oze forfeits meeting with Jack Dorsey to pilot a loan product for
 small business customers hurt by COVID-19 pandemic.


Google for Startups Accelerator

Oze selected for 4th cohort of Google Launchpad Africa accelerator
 and wins MEST Africa Challenge.


Oze Beta is launched on Play store

A beta version of the Oze Business App is released
 on the Google PlayStore.