Track sales, send receipts and invoices, get paid, download your data, and even more all from your smartphone.
No more manual calculations. Get back to the parts of your business you love.
Your data, backed up to the cloud and secure at all times.
All your sales and expenses in one place. Easily search for that one transaction.
On-demand support to help you get to the next level.
Send digital receipts and invoices right from your phone or laptop. Use Oze as a team and your colleagues can keep business going when you’re away.
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Know where your money is going. Always!
Receipts and Invoices
Make your customers smile with a professional invoice or receipt.
Payment Reminders
Stay on top of who owes you money.
Works across devices
Log in from your phone, laptop, or tablet.
Monitor your cash balance and business trends.
Insights and reports
Download your data to excel on demand and filter for special reports.
Payment links
Request payments from your customers in just a few clicks.
Chat growth strategies with a business expert.
Sync your stock with your sales and get reminded when you are running low on inventory, all from your phone.
From tailors to caterers to barbers, small business owners are getting tremendous value from getting their business on Oze.
What are you waiting for?
Want to work with us? Let's talk.