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Farmsure Alliance Doubles Sales, Empowers Farmers with Loan

For five years, Farmsure Alliance Lbg has been a champion for financial inclusion, empowering rural farmers and low-income earners with essential services like input credit, micro-loans, market linkages, and skills training. But a persistent challenge held them back: limited resources often meant farmers missed crucial planting seasons and couldn’t capitalize on lower harvest prices.

Farmsure Alliance Lbg initially discovered Oze as an accounting/bookkeeping tool, a way to streamline their financial operations. A nudge from their business coach on the Oze App, however, led them to explore Oze’s loan options. This proved to be a turning point. The Oze helped facilitate a loan that fueled their inventory purchases, freeing up capital for long-term. The results were dramatic: thriving fields, empowered farmers, and a doubling of sales!

The impact went beyond numbers. Farmsure expanded their services to include livestock breeding, with their guinea fowl program taking flight as their fastest-growing product line. While Oze’s loan terms were beneficial, Farmsure sees room for improvement. Extending repayment periods would allow them to further capitalize on seasonal price drops, maximizing their positive impact.

Farmsure Alliance LBG’s story highlights the power of partnership. Oze wasn’t just a lending partner; it became a utility player in their growth, providing both financial and management tools. Now, Farmsure thrives as a beacon of hope within their community. They wholeheartedly recommend Oze to other small businesses. After all, with Oze, Farmsure Alliance isn’t just cultivating crops, they’re cultivating success for themselves, the farmers they serve, and the entire rural community.

Empower your community and cultivate success, just like Farmsure Alliance Lbg! Head over to the Oze app today and see how our financial tools and resources can help your business grow. Click here to get started now!

Connect with Farmsure Alliance Lbg on social media:
Facebook: farmsurealliance
Phone number: +233 24 287 7239

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