Your cash balance, also known as Initial Cash Balance, is the amount of money in your “business wallet” when you started using OZÉ. Think of it like the total amount of money your business has in cash, in your mobile money account, and in your bank account your first day using OZÉ. You set it while making your business profile.
Follow the instructions below to review your cash balance:
In your OZÉ app, click on the Menu in the top left corner and then click on the name of your business. ( ☰ ➜ Business Name )
Scroll down to “Initial Cash Balance.”
Follow the instructions below to change your cash balance:
In your OZÉ app, click on the Menu in the top left corner and then click on the name of your business. ( ☰ ➜ Business Name )
Scroll down to Initial Cash Balance.
Change your Initial Cash Balance to what you want it to be. (NOTE: Changing your cash balance will affect all of the metrics in the app.)
Click SAVE in the top right corner.