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How to read your Dashboard

Oze Coach
17 September 2018 - 2 mins, 6 secs read

Your dashboard is where you can see the health of your business at a glance and in real-time! You can see your profits, sales, expenses and your cash balance for today, last week, or even for last month. If bar charts and line graphs are new to you, feel free to call Coach. That’s what we’re here for.

Opening my Dashboard

Follow the instructions below to open your dashboard:

  • In your OZE app, click on the Menu in the top left corner and then click Dashboard. ( ☰ ➜ Dashboard )

Reading my Dashboard

You can learn two big things from your dashboard. First, you’ll see your actual sales, expenses, profits, and cash for whatever time period you choose. Second, you can see trends. For example, you can learn if you are making more or less money each week.

In the top section of the Dashboard, you can see some of your most important metrics.


On left, you’ll see your PROFITS plus the amount and percentage they increased over the selected time period (day, week, or month). Your Profits = Revenues – Expenses for the time period that you chose.

You can  also see the number of transactions that you recorded over that time period.

Sales and Expenses

On the right, you’ll see SALES and EXPENSES for the chosen period (i.e. a day, week, or month) plus the percentage change from the previous day, week, or month. You want to see your sales going up and your expenses going down.


Two graphs are currently available on the dashboard. You can see your sales and expenses over time, and your cash balance over time.

To change back and forth between graphs use the arrow on the right to view the drop down box and select the other graph.

The bar graph shows your sales in green on top of the line and your expenses in red below the line. Each day shows the sales and expenses for that day.

The Cash Balance chart is a line graph. It’s cumulative. Each day adds or subtracts cash from the day before.

Filtering my Dashboard

Maybe you are interested in seeing your sales and expenses for a certain week.

Follow the instructions below to filter your dashboard:

  • On the Dashboard screen, click the calendar icon in the top right corner.

  • Pick your start and end date. Make sure it’s in the past– you need to have data to have anything on your chart.

  • This will show you the data from that period.