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Oze Loan Puts IFOK Handmade Limited Back on the Path of Success After COVID Threatened its Future

Emmanuel runs IFOK Handmade Limited, a handmade shoes and slippers shop based in Kumasi. When he first started he didn’t have any background in making shoes, he just liked them! So, he decided he was going to learn. 

Like any entrepreneur, Emmanuel has faced his fair share of challenges. In the beginning, he had problems with his production team producing for a competitor on the side. He had problems with certain employees not working when they were supposed to. But, he kept at it. And as he grew his business he started to recognize the importance of data. Since he adopted Oze, he watches the health of his business in real-time through his dashboard and monthly reports. He’s grown his business to two shops, one stationary and one mobile! 

Then, COVID-19 hit, and all of a sudden Kumasi was on lockdown and nobody was buying shoes anymore. Ifok’s sales fell by more than 60% and he didn’t know what he was going to do. Luckily, Emmanuel uses the Oze Business App to help run his business. Because he’s a paying subscriber he was in a special Oze WhatsApp group known as the 100 Club. One day, he checked his WhatsApp and saw that Oze was doing COVID-19 relief loans. He got excited…and when we asked him about his experience this is what he had to say: 

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Since he received his loan, Emmanuel has been able to pay his suppliers and the other expenses he needed to to keep his business operational. He restocked his inventory and when Kumasi opened back up for business he was ready! Now, Emmanuel is gearing up to explore OZÉ’s short-term small business loans to keep growing. 

Want to do business with IFOK Handmade Limited? Contact him on WhatsApp at +233542540330…… And don’t forget to follow Ifok GH on: Facebook: @ifokgh Instagram: 

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